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Becoming The Villain’s Family
The Siren: Becoming the Villain's Family / Die neue Sekretärin des Königs / Eu me tornei a família do vilão / I Became the Villain's Contract Family / La sirena e l'antagonista / Le chant de la sirène / Me convertí en la familia del villano / Nguyên cớ hầu cận nhà vua / Secrétaire de sa majesté / Sirena: Me convertí en la familia del villano / The Siren / The Siren: I Became the Villain's Contract Family / The Siren: สัญญาวิวาห์กับซาตาน / The Siren:惡黨的契約家人 / Причина, по которой королю нужен секретарь / Причина, по которой королю нужна секретарша / Стати сім’єю злодія / Хорон санаатантай гэрээгээр гэрлэсэн нь / Դառնալով չարագործի ընտանիք / أصبحت عائلة الشرير / セイレン〜悪党と契約家族になった / 危险工作:不小心成了皇帝的秘书 / 和反派成为了契约家人 / 恶魔公爵的宝贝妹妹 / 恶魔的契约家人 / 霸王祕書的獨家療法 / 세이렌 (설이수) / 세이렌: 악당과 계약가족이 되었다 / 악당과 계약가족이 되었다
Work By / 설이수
3362🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Fantasy,Romance,Full Color
Kitchen Soldier
Kitchen Soldier , 취사병 전설이 되다 , Becoming a legend kitchen soldier , 菜鳥伙房兵 , บันทึกครัวค่ายทหาร , Становление легендарным поваром , Army Chef , Army Cook
1194🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Full Color,Cooking,Military
Beautiful Gunbari
뷰티풀 군바리 / Beautiful Soldier
Naver Webtoon / Seoli / 설이 / Sung-Won Yoon / 윤 성원 / 이응이세개
🇰🇷Comedy,Drama,Slice of Life,Military
I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling My Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First
10 Years After Saying “Leave This to Me and Go,” I Became a Legend. / Koko ha ore ni makasete saki ni ike to ittekara jyunen ga tattara densetsu ni natteita. / Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10 Nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natteita. / Leave Me and Go. / ここは俺に任せて先に行けと言ってから10年がたったら伝説になっていた。 / 여기는 나한테 맡기고 먼저 가라고 말하고 10년이 지나 전설이 되었다
Ezo Gingitsune / Abeno Chaco
Kitchen Soldier
Kitchen Soldier / 취사병 전설이 되다 / Becoming a legend kitchen soldier / 菜鳥伙房兵 / บันทึกครัวค่ายทหาร / Становление легендарным поваром / Army Chef / Army Cook
JRobin (제이로빈) / Lee Jinsu(이진수)
317🇰🇷Webtoon,Action,Comedy,Adventure,Military,Drama,Horror,Fantasy,Cooking,Adaptation,Full Color
A Deceitful Marriage
The Boomerang Duke / A Deceitful Marriage / Duke / Duke of Deception / Matrimonio Por Fraude / Me casé por fraude / The Beggar Duke / รักวุ่นวายของนายหญิงกำมะลอ / 弄假成真!乞丐成了公爵的夫人 / 欺诈公爵 / 각설이 공작
Lellé / Meteor
I, A Harvest Mouse, Will Take Cinderella Away
I, A Harvest Mouse, Will Take Cinderella Away / 신데렐라는 이 멧밭쥐가 데려갑니다
설이수 / POYA
🇰🇷Webtoon,Historical,Romance,Comedy,Magic,Isekai,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
Becoming a Legendary Ace Employee
Becoming a Legendary Ace Employee / Become a Legend as an All-Rounder / 만능사원 전설이 되다
JRobin / BONGUN / Mr. Capman
116🇰🇷Webtoon,Sci-Fi,Comedy,Adventure,Office Workers,Video Games,Drama,Slice of Life,Full Color
Before This Novel Ends
Before Our Story Comes to an End / Before the End of This Novel / この小説が終わる前に / 이 소설이 끝나기 전에 / 이 소설이 끝나기 전에,
6Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Shounen ai
The Boomerang Duke
The Boomerang Duke / 각설이 공작 / The Beggar Duke / Duke of Deception / A Deceitful Marriage / Me Casé por Fraude / 乞丐公爵
Lelle (렐레) / Yoo Seong (유성)
🇰🇷Webtoon,Romance,Comedy,Adaptation,Full Color