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Kanojo ga Suki na Mono wa Homo de Atte Boku dewa Nai
彼女が好きなものはホモであって僕ではない / She Likes Homos, Not Me
ComicWalker / Akira Hirahara / 平原 明 / Naoto Asahara / 浅原 ナオト
Sachi's Monstrous Appetite
あの人の胃には僕が足りない / Ano Hito no I ni wa Boku ga Tarinai / Her Appetite's Too Big for Me Alone
Morning Two / Chomoran / チョモラン
The Heart of Thomas
トーマの心臓 / Thomas no Shinzou / Tooma no Shinzou, Thomas' Heart
Sho-Comi / Moto Hagio / 萩尾 望都 / ハギオ モト
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Drama,Historical,Shounen ai,Psychological
Shuuden ni wa Kaeshimasu
終電にはかえします / I’ll send her home on the last train, Return by the Last Train, Shuuden niwa Kaeshimasu, From Aiu Station on the Hiragana Line, Hiragana Line, Aiu Station yori, Otona no Kaidan no Shita, Shoujo Planetarium, Ishuun no Asterism, Eien ni Shoujo
Gido Amagakure / 雨隠 ギド / Hirari,
1🇯🇵Romance,Shoujo ai,Supernatural
Freezing Flame
凍る灼熱 / Kooru Shakunetsu / Freezing Flame, Kooru Shakunetsu, Chain of Flame, Homura No Kusari, Honeyed Brand, Mitsu No Rakuin, Melting Flame, Rekka No Shizuku
Gush / Akira Kanbe / かんべ あきら / Studio J / スタジオJ
Boku no Ie ni Oide
僕の家においで / Come to My Home, Boku no Uchi ni Oide
Ribon Magazine / Nachi Yuki / 優木 なち / Yuuki Nachi
Sokonashi Freefall Romance
底なし・フリーフォールロマンス / Ore to Kareshi to Aitsu to Kare, Me and my boyfriend, him and his Boyfriend, Kajou na Aijou, Shinratsu na Gekijou, Too Mush Affection, Bittersweet Passion, Fathomless Cage
Row Takakura / 高座 朗 / June Comics Piace Series
Brutal: Satsujin Keisatsukan no Kokuhaku
ブルータル 殺人警察官の告白 / Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku, Brutal: Confessions of a Homicide Investigator
Kei Koga / 古賀 慶 / Comic Tatan / Ryou Izawa / 伊澤 了
Wings / Homerun Ken / undefined ホームラン・拳
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Action,Comedy,Magic,Gender Bender
Albert-ke no Reijou wa Botsuraku wo Goshomou desu
アルバート家の令嬢は没落をご所望です / The Daughter of the Albert House Wishes for Ruin
Haduki Futaba / 双葉 はづき / Hazuki Futaba / esca / Saki / さき
Torotoro no Koi
とろとろの恋 / Dorodoro to Koi, Koi ni Kakero, Momo to Iinchou, Shouganai Kimi, Syrupy Love
Linda Gyuunyuu / 牛乳 リンダ / Homura-ya★Pleiades / ほむら屋★プレアデス
Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka
あかね色に染まる坂 / Akasaka, Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka
Comp Ace / Homare Sakazuki / 酒月 ほまれ / Feng
Akuyaku Reijou wa, Shomin ni Totsugitai!!
悪役令嬢は、庶民に嫁ぎたい!! / The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!!
ComicWalker / Nabiko / なびこ / Riko Anzutei / 杏亭 リコ
Bunburyoutou: Saikyou Saichi no Sodatekata
文武両闘 最強才智の育て方 / Both the Literary and Military Arts, Battle of both military and academic prowess: How to become the strongest and wisest.
Dengeki Maoh / Homura Kawamoto / 河本 ほむら / Keyaki Uchiuchi / 内々 けやき / Bronco Hitoritabi / ブロンコ一人旅
1🇯🇵Seinen(M),Action,Martial Arts
Blade of Heaven
소마신화전기 / The Legend of Soma / Shoma, Soma Shinhwa Jungi, Myth of Soma
Kyung-il Yang / 양 경일 / 梁 慶一 / Yang Gyeong-il / Yong-Su Hwang
Yojouhan Sweet Home
4畳半Sweet Home / 4 Jouhan Sweet Home, northmen, Sweet Memories, Sweet Worker, Sweet Prisoner, Sweet Home
Super Beboy Comics / Shinano Oumi / 青海 信濃
Koi to Kaerou
恋と帰ろう / Let's Return With Love, Let's Bring Love Home, Soshite Koi wa Kaetta, And Then Love Hatched, Kimi to Kaeru Machi, The Road I Can Walk Home With You, Tonari no Tenshu, Next Door Shopekeeper, Slow Life
Hanaoto / Rie Honjou / 本庄 りえ
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Chase Me Till We Fall in Love
追って追って、恋をして / Otte Otte, Koi wo Shite
Hanaoto / Jiko Homura / ほむら じいこ
U wa Uchuusen no U
ウは宇宙船のウ / UU is for Spaceship, R is For Rocket, The Screaming Woman, The Fog Horn, The Lake, Come Into My Cellar, Homecoming, Jack-in-the-Box, The Rocket Man
Margaret / Moto Hagio / 萩尾 望都 / ハギオ モト / Ray Bradbury
Kimi dake ni Focus
君だけにフォーカス / Focus Only on You
Kae Maruya / 円屋 榎英 / Homiya Minori / 穂宮 みのり / Shousetsu Chara
🇯🇵Drama,Romance,Shounen ai
Kakegurui Twin
ケグルイ双〈ツイン〉 / Compulsive Gambler Twin
Gangan Joker / Homura Kawamoto / 河本 ほむら / Katsura Saiki / 斎木 桂
Wagaya no Oinari-sama.
我が家のお稲荷さま。 / Inari's home here, Wagaya no Oinarisama., Our Home's Fox Deity
Dengeki Daioh / Jin Shibamura / 柴村 仁 / Suiren Matsukaze / 松風 水蓮
1🇯🇵Shounen(B),Comedy,Demons,Fantasy,Gender Bender
Kakegurui Midari
賭ケグルイ 妄
Homura Kawamoto / 河本 ほむら / Yuuichi Hiiragi / 柊 裕一 / Manga UP!
Goodbye world Conquest
だってまおうさまは彼が嫌い / Datte Maou-sama wa Kare ga Kirai
drap / Nichoume Yamada / 山田 2丁目 / Yamada2Chome / Yamada 2Choume
Isekai Houtei: Rebuttal Barrister
異世界法廷~反駁の異法弁護士〈リバタル・バリスタ〉~ / Courtroom in another world: The rebutting strange law lawyer, Isekai Houtei: Hanbaku no Ihou Bengoshi
Young Ace / Homura Kawamoto / 河本 ほむら / Kamon Ohba / 大庭 下門
Sweet vs Home
スウィート・バーサス・ホーム / Hatsukoi, Hatsu Koi, First Love, Sweet vs. Home
Racish / Miyuki Abe / あべ 美幸
🇯🇵Shounen ai
missing children
迷仔 / Maigo / Lost Children
Homerun Ken / undefined ホームラン・拳
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Shoutotsu! ★★ Sakusen
衝突!★★作戦 / Shoutotsu! Futatsuboshi Sakusen
Jiko Homura / ほむら じいこ