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It's Fun Having a 300,000 Yen a Month Job Welcoming Home an Onee-san Who Doesn't Find Meaning in a Job That Pays Her 500,000 Yen a Month
I’m Being Paid ¥ 300,000 a Month to Say ‘Okaeri, Kyo MO Ganbatta NE’ to a Hardworking Neighbor Oneesan Who Earns ¥500,000 a Month but Doesn’t Have a Use for the Money, Which Is Really Fun / It's My Work That I Say to Her, "Okaeri" / Tsuki 50 Man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onēsan ni 30 Man de Yatowa Rete `Okaeri. Kyō mo Ganbatta ne’ tte Iu Oshigoto ga Totemo Tanoshī / Tsuki 50-man moratte mo Ikigai no nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete "Okaeri" tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii / With a Pay of 300,000 Yen Per Month, I Was Hired to Do the Fun Job of Saying, "Welcome Back," to the Onee-san Next Door Who Has No Use for a Monthly Salary of 500,000 Yen / 月50万もらっても生き甲斐のない隣のお姉さんに30万で雇われて「おかえり」って言うお仕事が楽しい / 每月领着50万月薪也觉得没有意义的邻居OL,用30万雇佣了我让我每天和她说“欢迎回来
Kiwadoi Shouri / Noji Takanichi
229🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Shion no Ou: The Flowers of Hard Blood.
しおんの王 The Flowers of Hard Blood. / Shion's King, Kings of Shogi
Afternoon / Masaru Katori / かとり まさる / Jiro Ando / 安藤 慈朗
Good Luck, Demon King!
加油大魔王 / Work Hard, Mage King!, Work Hard, Demon King!
Team GuJiu / 咕啾组
Robotics;Notes: Revival Legacy
5pb. / undefined 5pb. / Ultra Jump / Tatsuya Shihira / シヒラ 竜也 / DRAGONLAND / Garyuu / 画竜 / G-HARD
Douse Mou Nigerarenai
どうせもう逃げられない / I Won't Runaway Anyway, Heart Breaking, Hard Trip
Kazumi Kazui / 一井 かずみ / Petit Comic
Q[クー] / Dissimilar Girl Q
Ultra Jump / Tatsuya Shihira / シヒラ 竜也 / DRAGONLAND / Garyuu / 画竜 / G-HARD
Manabiya no Sumi
In The Corner Of The Schoolyard (English), Sa Isang Sulok Ng Hardin Sa Paaralan (Tagalog)
midorikawa yuki
Josei(W),Romance,School Life
Being true to yourself is hard but confessing your love to another is another thing. Growing up, Liam has mastered the arts of acting. Liam is great at anything he does and plays the Mr. Perfect role effortlessly…until he meets his new teacher. / Ser fiel a ti mismo es difícil, pero confesar tu amor a otra persona es algo muy diferente. Al crecer, Liam ha dominado las artes de la actuación. Liam es excelente en todo lo que hace y desempeña el papel de Mr. Perfecto sin esfuerzo... hasta que conoce a su nuevo maestro.
Shu / Seru
Shihun Laogong, Yao Geili (Trial Marriage Husband: Need To Work Hard)
Trial Marriage Husband: Need To Work Hard
In The Same Class With My Childhood Friend And My Ex-Girlfriend
In the Same Class With My Childhood Friend and My Ex-Girlfriend / It's Hard When My Childhood Friend Who Dumped Me And My Ex-Girlfriend Are in the Same Class / They Dumped Me / 날 차버린 소꿉친구와 전 여친이 같은 반이라 곤란하다
Bieoiss Eum / Mollu
Shounen(B),Drama,Fantasy,Romance,School Life
13 Club
サーティーンクラブ / 13Club
Ultra Jump / Tatsuya Shihira / シヒラ 竜也 / DRAGONLAND / Garyuu / 画竜 / G-HARD
A Mistake is Gentleman's Taste.
あやまちは紳士の嗜み / Ayamachi wa Shinshi no Tashinami / Missing Ring, How to Fry an Egg Over Hard, Family Maze, Quicksand
Opera / Marta Matsuo / 松尾 マアタ
King of Eden
에덴의 왕 / Eden Ui Wang / Eden-ui Wang, The King of Eden
Chance / Takashi Nagasaki / 長崎 尚志 / リチャード・ウー / Richard Woo / 空論 / Kuuron / プランダ村 / Prandamura / 江戸川 啓視 / Keishi Edogawa / 東周斎 雅楽 / Garaku Toushuusai / ビッグ・オー / Big Woo / Sang Cheol Lee / 이 상철
A Stepmother
The iron widow, the spider widow, male hunter, the witch of Neuwanstein castle, the embarrassment of noble ladies....... These were all the words used to describe the Marchioness, Suri Van Neuwanstein. Despite receiving such criticism from the world, she raised her ’children’, who were unrelated to her by blood and were old enough to be called her siblings. And finally, on the day of the first son Jeremy’s wedding, she felt that all her hard work had tied all the loose ends together. But s
Good Luck, Demon King! (Season 2)
加油大魔王 / Cố Lên Nào, Đại Ma Vương! / Good Luck, Demon King! S2 / Work Hard, Mage King!
team gujiu
Darenimo Dakarenai Onna Vs Daredemo Daku Otoko
誰にも抱かれない女VS誰でも抱く男 / Dare ni mo Dakarenai Onna VS Dare de mo Daku Otoko / Ms. Hard-To-Get VS Mr. Hug-Them-All